Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week of 9 Pentecost A - 08/14 - 20/11

Week of 9 Pentecost A

This is a Three-Year Lectionary based on the Lutheran Book of Worship 3-year Lectionary (for public worship), "Prayers of the Day..." (Propers), p. 13-41, Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis, 1978. It is based, with only minor variations, on the Revised Common Lectionary, used by many denominations, including the Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Methodist churches:


The daily readings are the Propers (Lections) for the following Sunday, so that the daily devotions can prepare us for worship. Additional Lections are from Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church, "Scripture lessons for Matins and Vespers," United Lutheran Church of America, General Rubrics VIII. Scripture lessons for Matins and Vespers, p. 299 - 304, Philadelphia, 1918.

The previous 2- year Bible Study based on the Lutheran Book of Worship, Daily Lectionary for personal devotions p.179-192, Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis, 1978, is available at: (Please bookmark this link).

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To get the most from these studies, it is suggested that you first read the scripture texts for the entry, and then the paraphrase and commentary. It is also recommended that you look up the scripture references, unless you recognize and recall them from memory.

I will post weekly by Saturday, noon, (God willing), Pacific time (UTC-8:00) for the week of the Church Season which begins on Sunday. Please scroll down for the desired day, or save the week to your desktop/hard drive.

Occasional Editorial:

First Posted July 13, 2008

Podcast: How Bad Do Things Have to Get...?

How Bad Do Things Have to Get...

...before Americans realize how much we need to return to faith (obedient trust) in Jesus Christ?

On Sunday July 6, 2008 this Associated Press article in my local newspaper caught my attention:

"There's 'Too Much Wrong'"

2011 update:

The_One_Percent documentary by Jamie Johnson available streaming from netflix (2006).

I am a "born-again" (John 3:3, 5-8) Christian and love to study the Bible. In 1977, Peter Marshall, Jr, the son of Peter Marshall (the well-known preacher and Chaplin of the U.S Senate; The Man Called Peter of the book and movie by that name. The book was written by his wife, Catherine, the well-known Christian author) Their son, Peter, published a book in collaboration with David Manuel, The Light and the Glory* based on the premise that God had a plan for America. They assert that Christopher Columbus (his name means Christ-bearer) knew that he had been called by God to discover and found a "New Israel," a nation under God.**

The Bible is the inspired Word of God which has recorded the dealings of God with his people, Israel, as a warning to us, New Promised Land, the New Israel, the new people of God, not to make the same mistakes ( 1 Corinthians 10:6, 11). History recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible reveals, over and over, that Israel continually went through a cycle of obedience to God's Word, then, in their prosperity, falling away from obedience to rebellion and idolatry. The Lord would lift his providence and protection from them, and they would experience trouble and want and then they would turn again to the Lord for help. Through repentance and obedience they would be restored to God's providence.

God is eternal and unchanging. What was true for Israel is true for us today. America has experienced that cycle of prosperity, spiritual decline, travail, repentance, and restoration. The first colonists were dependent upon God for survival, but as they became successful they fell away, attributing their success to their own ability. As settlers set out for the western frontier, they again realized their vulnerability and need for God's providence and protection, which led to a spiritual revival.

America has experienced several spiritual "Great Awakenings," periods of repentance and return to faith (obedient trust) in God,. In 1745, the First Great Awakening in Northampton, Mass. began through the preaching of Jonathan Edwards. The Second Great Awakening occurred between 1790 and 1840. Charles Grandison Finney (August 29, 1792 – August 16, 1875) was a major preacher.

In the 1970's there was youthful revival of the Jesus Movement, considered by some as the Fourth Great Awakening, trying to counteract the allure of sex and drugs of the “Flower Children.” One of the best programs to come out of the Jesus Movement was the Calvary Chapel fellowship, begun in Costa Mesa by Chuck Smith. Although I was not of the Hippie generation, I came under the teaching and influence of Chuck Smith myself through his radio and tape ministries. Until recently I attended the local congregation Saturday evening worship for my young adult daughters when they had to work Sundays.

Our society hasn't improved since the seventies when The Light and the Glory was written. Sex, and drugs are still leading our children astray. Sexually Transmitted Diseases are ever more prevalent and dangerous. Television is more and more sexual in content. “Swingtown” is an example, a new series this season which glamorizes indiscriminate adultery and group sex. If they do it on TV it must be ok, right?

This era is the New Seventies. Iraq is our New Vietnam War. One of the most alarming problems is the lack of moral values in our children, who are virtually raising themselves without parental guidance. Gang violence is more and more prevalent. Gang members have no appreciation for the value of life. High School youths plot to bomb and shoot their classmates and teachers.

California's legislature just legalized Homosexual marriage, avoiding the vote of the people in the November election. If the people vote it out in November, the “gay rights” activists have already accomplished their goal. That act is inviting God's judgment.

Consider all the devastating weather and natural disasters: fires in California, floods and hurricanes in the midwest, our economic woes. Do we find ourselves working harder and harder for less and less? Does it seem likely that God has begun to lift his favor and protection from our Nation?

david -shepherdboy

* Marshall, Peter, J., Jr. and Manuel, David, "The Light and the Glory" (underline), Fleming H. Revell, Baker Books, P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, Mich. 41956-6287. ISBN 0-8007-5054-3 (paper)

**ibid, Columbus' 'Book of Prophecies, private translation from Spanish by August J. Kling, quoted in "The Presbyterian Layman" October, 1971.

Podcast Download: Week of 9 Pentecost A
Sunday 9 Pentecost A
First Posted July 13, 2008
Podcast: Sunday 9 Pentecost A

Isaiah 44:6-8 -- The Redeemer;
Psalm 86:11-17 -- God's deliverance;
Romans 8:26-27 -- Intercessor and Sustainer;
Matthew 13:24-30 (36-43) -- Weeds Among Wheat;

Isaiah Paraphrase:

The Lord is the King of Israel and Lord of hosts, our Redeemer. The Lord is the first and last (Revelation 1:8; 22:13); there is no other god but the Lord. Who can compare to the Lord? Who else has ever declared in the past what would happen in the future that has been fulfilled? Don't be afraid. God has revealed his purpose from long ago, and his people are his witnesses! Is there any other God beside the Lord? No! There is no other Rock (strong refuge; foundation).

Psalm Paraphrase:

Lord, teach me to live according to your way and to know your truth. Unite my heart so that I may fear (have appropriate awe and respect for the power and authority of) your name (God's person and character).

I will give thanks to God with all my heart, and glorify his name forever. In his great, unconditional love for me, he has delivered my soul from the grave and the power of death.

Arrogant and ruthless people who do not reverence God have arisen against me and plot to take my life. But the Lord, my God, is "merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness" (Psalm 86:15). The Lord will hear and answer my plea. He will have pity upon me and give me his strength and save me, his servant. The Lord will show me his favor, so that those who hate me will see and be ashamed, because my Lord has helped and comforted me.

Romans Paraphrase:

"Born-again" Christians are sustained by the indwelling Holy Spirit, the "first fruits" of eternal life, and the "security deposit" that guarantees our hope of our "adoption" as children of God and the redemption of our bodies (from death and decay; Romans 8:22-25). Also, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us to God, beyond our human ability to express, because we don't even know what to pray for. God knows our innermost needs. God knows the mind of the Spirit, and the Spirit intercedes for us in accordance with God's will (compare 1 Corinthians 2:11-13).

Matthew Paraphrase:

Jesus taught in parables: stories of common daily experience used to teach spiritual truth. In the parable of the weeds among wheat, a person sowed good seed in his field, but during the night while people were sleeping, his enemy sowed weed seeds in the field. When the seed sprouted and grew, the servants noticed and reported to their master that there were weeds among the wheat, and asked if the seed the master had sown was faulty. The master said it was not the fault of the seed he had sown, but the work of his enemy. The servants asked if they should weed the field, and the master told them to wait until the harvest; otherwise they would damage the wheat. At the harvest the master will have the reapers collect the weeds into bundles to be burned, and then will harvest the wheat and store it in the master's barn.

Later, when Jesus was alone with his disciples they asked him to explain the parable. Jesus said that the sower is the Son of man (Jesus) and the field is this world. The wheat represents the children of God's kingdom, and the weeds represent the children of Satan, our enemy. The harvest is the end of this age. The reapers are God's angels.

At the end of this age, God's angels will separate the children of Satan from his kingdom, bind them, and cast them into the eternal fires of hell with all evil, where they will be in eternal agony and mourning. Then the children of God will be glorified and live eternally in God's kingdom restored to paradise. Jesus warns us to use our ears to listen and learn what he is saying.


Jesus is the name of the Lord. Jesus is the Redeemer, God's only provision for the forgiveness of our sins (disobedience of God's Word; Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8-10) and salvation from eternal condemnation and destruction in hell (Acts 4:12; see God's Plan of Salvation, sidebar, top right). Jesus is God's "anointed" eternal King (Messiah and Christ; both mean "anointed" in Hebrew and Greek, respectively; Matthew 2:2; 21:5; 25:34; 27:37; 28:18). Jesus is God in human flesh (Colossians 2:8-9; John 20:28). Jesus is the first and last, the beginning and end of all things (Revelation 1:17-18).

Fulfillment is the hallmark and definition of God's Word (Deuteronomy 18:21-22). The Bible is the Word of God, and the record and testimony of the fulfillment of God's Word. Jesus is God's Word, fulfilled, embodied, and exemplified in human flesh in this world (John 1:1-5, 14).

God has been progressively revealing himself and his purpose for Creation, first through Creation itself, then through the Bible. Jesus is God's ultimate revelation of himself to the world, and the gift of the Holy Spirit is God's ultimate revelation of himself to us personally and individually.

Jesus is the rock of eternal foundation (Matthew 7:24), spiritual refuge, and the source of spiritual (life-giving) "water" in the "wilderness" of this world (1 Corinthians 10:4; Numbers 20:7-11). Jesus is the cornerstone of his Church, but the rock of stumbling and offense to the disobedient and unbelievers (1 Peter 2:6-8).

Jesus came into the world in part to teach us how to know and live according to God's will and to enable and strengthen us to do it.

We are born with "divided" hearts. We can desire and aspire to do what is righteous (right, good, and true, according to God's Word), but our flesh is in opposition. Only by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit through faith (obedient trust) in Jesus Christ can we be freed from slavery to our flesh. Only by the Holy Spirit can we have the strength to overcome sin.

Jesus is the invisible God made visible in human flesh. Those who have "seen" Jesus have "seen" God the Father (John 14:8-11; Matthew 11:27). Jesus' word is the Word of God (John 14:10, 24).

God loves us and doesn't want any of us to perish eternally (Romans 5:8; John 3:16-17). God has saved us from eternal death through Jesus Christ, which we must claim and receive through faith (obedient trust; Ephesians 2:8-9). Jesus is the Redeemer who delivers us from death and the grave (see God's Plan of Salvation, sidebar, top right, home).

The promise of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ is the redemption of our physical bodies from death and decay. Those who have been "born-again" have the assurance of eternal life within them by the testimony of the indwelling Holy Spirit. The fellowship of the Holy Spirit is only a foretaste of the perfect full-time fellowship that is to come in eternal life. We can be encouraged and comforted by the presence, guidance, and empowerment of the indwelling Holy Spirit within us. We can be assured that the Lord knows our situation and need, and that he will reveal God's will to us and empower and strengthen us to do it.

We are all born into this world physically alive but spiritually dead. This lifetime is our opportunity to be spiritually "reborn." We are all born children of flesh and of Satan. This lifetime is our opportunity to be "reborn" as children of God.

There is a Day of Judgment coming when every one who has ever lived will be accountable to God, through Jesus Christ, for what we have done in this life. The Day of Judgment is not far off; it will be within the lifetime of each one of us. Those who have accepted Jesus as Lord, and have trusted and obeyed Jesus will have been "born-again" (John 3:3, 5-8), in this lifetime, by the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and will receive eternal life in God's kingdom restored to paradise in heaven. Those who have refused to accept Jesus as Lord and have refused or failed to trust and obey Jesus will be condemned to eternal destruction in hell with all evil (Matthew 25:31-46; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10).

Is Jesus your Lord (Matthew 7:21-23; Luke 6:46)? Are you Jesus' disciple (John 8:31)? Are you trusting and obeying Jesus (John 14:21)? Have you received the indwelling Holy Spirit since you first truly believed (Acts 19:2)? Are you making disciples of Jesus Christ and teaching them to obey all that Jesus commands (Matthew 28:18-20)? Do you know with certainty where you will spend eternity (1 John 5:11-13; Ephesians 1:13-14)?

Monday 9 Pentecost A
First Posted July 14, 2008;
Podcast: Monday 9 Pentecost A

Psalm 119:129-136 -- God's Word is Wonderful; Paraphrase:
God's Word is wonderful, so my soul delights in keeping it. "The unfolding of thy words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple" (Psalm 119:30 RSV). My longing for your Word is like my panting for air when I'm "out of breath."

Incline toward me and be gracious to me, as is your nature to do to those who love your name (person and character). Keep my steps steady as you have promised and don't let sin get power over me. Free me from oppression by other people, so that I can keep your commandments. Look favorably upon your servant and teach me your laws. My eyes are filled with tears of sorrow, because people don't do what your Word commands. Commentary:

Those who trust and obey God's Word will discover that it is truly wonderful, and that it is to our eternal benefit to learn and keep it. God's Word is intended to be a blessing to us; to lead us to true eternal life, and to keep us from doing things which harm and destroy life.

God's Word is divine eternal truth, unlike what the world falsely calls truth. What is accepted as worldly truth is subject to change, but God's truth is eternal and unchanging.

Jesus is God's Word, fulfilled, embodied, and exemplified in human flesh in this temporal world (john 1:1-5, 14). Jesus is the only way to know God and God's divine eternal truth (John 14:6). Jesus is the only way to true, eternal life. Jesus is the wisdom and power of God (1 Corinthians 1:17-24).

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth (John 14:17) which only Jesus gives (John 1:31-34), only to his disciples who trust and obey Jesus (John 14:15-17). When we are spiritually "born-again" by the "anointing" of the indwelling Holy Spirit, he will teach us all things 14:26) and will guide us into all truth (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit is the seal and guarantee that one is in Christ and has eternal life (2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13-14; Romans 8:9b, 11, 15-16).

God is gracious toward those who love him and trust and obey his Word. Those who love the Lord will want to obey his Word (John 14:21).

God's Word is able to keep us from stumbling and from wasting our lives. God's Word will keep us free from human oppression and from bondage to sin and eternal death (Hebrews 2:14-15).

God's Word is a blessing to those who have learned to know, trust and obey it, but it will condemn those who have refused to hear, learn, trust and obey God's Word.

God wanted us to have the freedom to choose whether to trust and obey God's Word or not, so he designed the possibility of sin (disobedience of God's Word) into Creation. God created this world as a paradise (Genesis 1:31), but the evil in this world is the result of human sin. God foresaw human sin and designed a Savior, Jesus Christ, into Creation (John 1:1-5, 14).

This world could be restored to paradise, if all people would learn to trust and obey Jesus Christ. But there are those who love sin and hate God's righteousness (John 3:19-21). Those who have learned to know, trust and obey God's Word mourn for those who are spiritually lost and eternally dead because of their unbelief in God's Word.

Jesus Christ is going to return on the Day of Judgment, at the end of this temporal age (and the end of our physical lifetime for each of us). He will judge the living and the dead, in both the physical and spiritual senses (1 Peter 4:5; John 5:28-29). Those who have trusted and obeyed Jesus will have been spiritually "reborn" during this lifetime and will live eternally in God's kingdom, restored to paradise in heaven; those who have rejected Jesus and have refused or failed to trust and obey Jesus will spend eternity in eternal death in hell with all evil (Matthew 25:31-46; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10).

Is Jesus your Lord (Matthew 7:21-23; Luke 6:46)? Are you Jesus' disciple (John 8:31)? Are you trusting and obeying Jesus (John 14:21)? Have you received the indwelling Holy Spirit since you first truly believed (Acts 19:2)? Are you making disciples of Jesus Christ and teaching them to obey all that Jesus commands (Matthew 28:18-20)? Do you know with certainty where you will spend eternity (1 John 5:11-13; Ephesians 1:13-14)?

Tuesday 9 Pentecost A
First Posted July 15, 2008;
Podcast: Tuesday 9 Pentecost A

1 Kings 3:5-12 -- Prayer for Understanding; Paraphrase:
King David, the great shepherd-king of Israel had died, and his son, Solomon, had succeeded him. Solomon was at Gibeon (about 10 miles northwest of Jerusalem in the hill country of the tribal territory of Benjamin). It was a priest-city where the tabernacle was located until Solomon built the temple in Jerusalem. The Lord appeared to Solomon in an dream and asked what Solomon would desire from the Lord.

Solomon answered that the Lord had shown great steadfast love to David, because David had lived in faithfulness, righteousness and uprightness in heart for the Lord. God had kept David in God's great and steadfast love, and had given him a son to continue on the throne of David. Solomon acknowledged that the Lord had given him the throne of David, although Solomon felt like a little child who had not yet learned "how to go in and go out." Solomon recognized that he was responsible for God's chosen people who were now vastly beyond counting. So Solomon asked God to give Solomon an understanding mind, so that Solomon could govern God's people and distinguish good from evil; otherwise Solomon would not be able to govern God's people properly.

The Lord was pleased that Solomon had not asked selfishly for long life, or wealth, or revenge upon his enemies, but had asked for discernment to know what was right (according to God's Word). So the Lord promised to give Solomon the wisdom and discernment he had asked for. There was no one before, nor would there ever be after Solomon to compare with Solomon's wisdom. God also promised to give Solomon what Solomon had not asked for: both riches and honor. God declared that there would be no other king who would compare with Solomon during Solomon's lifetime, and if Solomon lived according to God's Word, as Solomon's father, David, had, the Lord would give Solomon long life.

David had been a man after God's own heart (who cared about the same things God did and was obedient to God's will; Acts 13:22; Psalm 89:20), and God promised to give David an eternal throne (2 Samuel 7:5-13; Psalm 89:20-29). God fulfilled his promise by "anointing" Solomon to succeed David as king of Israel.

The Lord rewards those who try to live in obedient trust in God's Word. Those who respond to God's call to be his servants, God will equip with the abilities to carry out God's mission, and as the servants of the Lord carry out their service to God, God will provide the material and physical necessities as well.

Jesus told his disciples to seek first the kingdom of God and God's righteousness and they would have everything else they needed as well (Matthew 6:33). Worldly wisdom says that we must pursue our physical and material security first, but we cannot provide our own security, no much how many physical and material resources we accumulate; we'll always need "just a little more" than we have, and we'll never get around to the true spiritual eternal security we need, which is only through faith (obedient trust) in Jesus Christ.

In the time of David and Solomon, only a few people chosen by God to lead God's people had a personal relationship with God. In Solomon's case it was initiated by God in a dream. God was pleased to supply Solomon with the spiritual resources needed to do the mission God had called Solomon to do.

Among the reasons for Jesus' coming was to make it possible for all God's people to be filled with the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Only Jesus "anoints" with the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit (John 1:31-34), only his disciples who trust and obey Jesus (John 14:15-17). It is by the indwelling Holy Spirit that we are spiritually "reborn" to eternal life, the "long life" God has promised to his servants who trust and obey him. The Holy Spirit is the seal and guarantee that one is in Christ and has eternal life (2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13-14; Romans 8:9b, 11, 15-16).

It is by the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit that we are guided, equipped and empowered to know and accomplish God's call for each of us individually and personally. We are called to be Jesus' disciples (students) and apostles (messengers; of the Gospel). As we trust and obey Jesus he will fill us with his indwelling Holy Spirit. After we have been spiritually "born-again" (Luke 24:45; Acts 1:4-5, 8) we are guided and empowered to go into the world and make ("born-again") disciples of Jesus Christ, teaching them to know, trust and obey all Jesus' teachings (Matthew 28:19-20).

Is Jesus your Lord (Matthew 7:21-23; Luke 6:46)? Are you Jesus' disciple (John 8:31)? Are you trusting and obeying Jesus (John 14:21)? Have you received the indwelling Holy Spirit since you first truly believed (Acts 19:2)? Are you making disciples of Jesus Christ and teaching them to obey all that Jesus commands (Matthew 28:18-20)? Do you know with certainty where you will spend eternity (1 John 5:11-13; Ephesians 1:13-14)?

Wednesday 9 Pentecost A
First Posted July 16, 2008;
Wednesday 9 Pentecost A

Romans 8:28-30 -- God's Purpose;


"Born-again" Christians, like Paul (Saul of Tarsus), know (from experience) that God is working for good in all things, with those who love him and have responded to his call to complete his purpose. God's purpose is to conform those, who respond (in obedient trust) to his call, to the likeness of his Son (Jesus Christ), so that Jesus is the firstborn of many brothers and sisters. God knew beforehand who would accept his call, and he planned from the beginning of Creation to accomplish his purpose. God calls all those he foreknew and planned beforehand to fulfill his purpose, and those who accept his call are justified (attributed blameless in God's judgment) and glorified.


Jesus says that one must be "born-again" to see the kingdom of God, now, all around us, and to enter it in eternity (John 3:3, 5-8). People who are spiritually "reborn" have a personal relationship with the Lord, by the indwelling Holy Spirit; the Spirit of Christ; the Spirit of God (Romans 8:9). People who believe (trust and obey) Jesus will receive the gift ("anointing;" "baptism") of the indwelling Holy Spirit, which only Jesus gives (John 1:31-34), only to his disciples who trust and obey Jesus (John 14:15-17). The Holy Spirit is the seal and guarantee that one is in Christ and has eternal life (2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13-14; Romans 8:9b, 11, 15-16).

Disciples who trust and obey Jesus have believed in Jesus, and have come to know with certainty within themselves (John 6:68-69 RSV) by the indwelling Holy Spirit. They are learning by experience that God is working for good in every thing, every situation, in this world. Christians are to work with God to bring about his good purpose.

God's purpose is for us to be conformed to the likeness of Jesus Christ. We are called to trust and obey Jesus and be filled with the Holy Spirit, as Jesus demonstrated obedient trust in God's Word, and was the model of the indwelling Holy Spirit dwelling within human flesh (John 1:32-33; Colossians 2:8-9).

God's purpose has always been to establish an eternal kingdom of his people who willingly choose to trust and obey God's Word. Jesus is the fulfillment, embodiment and example of God's Word, lived in this world in human flesh (John 1:1-5, 14). Jesus was "designed into" Creation from the very beginning.

Jesus is the firstborn Son. Jesus has special status and authority, and the spiritual inheritance of God's kingdom belongs to Jesus. He will share that inheritance with his disciples (Isaiah 53:12). We are to be like Jesus, but we are not equal to Jesus (Matthew 10:25a).

God foreknew us and he planned from the beginning of Creation to accomplish his purpose, but that doesn't mean we don't have free choice. "Predestination" is the false doctrine that God knew beforehand who would be saved and who wouldn't and so it doesn't matter what we do. God calls us to fulfill his purpose, but we must accept his call by faith (obedient trust) in Jesus Christ.

God's purpose is for our eternal benefit. God wants us to have what is truly and eternally life. We are to cooperate with God's good purpose, personally, to be conformed to the likeness of Jesus. Once we have received the indwelling Holy Spirit, we are to work with the Lord, by the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, to bring forgiveness and salvation from eternal condemnation and destruction to a spiritually lost and dying world.

Paul (Saul of Tarsus) is the prototype of a "modern," "post-resurrection," "born-again" disciple and apostle of the Lord, which we all can be. He was confronted by the Spirit of the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-4), accepted Jesus' rebuke and Jesus' lordship (Acts 9:4-5a), obeyed Jesus' command (Acts 9:5b-8), repented (Acts 9:9), was discipled by a "born-again" disciple, Ananias (Acts 9:10-17), until Paul had received the indwelling Holy Spirit (Acts 9:17-19a), and then was guided and empowered to carry out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) which Jesus gave to his disciples (Acts 9:19b-22) to be carried out after they had received the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-5, 8).

Is Jesus your Lord (Matthew 7:21-23; Luke 6:46)? Are you Jesus' disciple (John 8:31)? Are you trusting and obeying Jesus (John 14:21)? Have you received the indwelling Holy Spirit since you first truly believed (Acts 19:2)? Are you making disciples of Jesus Christ and teaching them to obey all that Jesus commands (Matthew 28:18-20)? Do you know with certainty where you will spend eternity (1 John 5:11-13; Ephesians 1:13-14)?

Thursday 9 Pentecost A
First Posted July 17, 2008;
Thursday 9 Pentecost A

Matthew 13:44-52 - The Kingdom of God;


Jesus told his disciples a series of parables (stories of everyday experiences to teach spiritual truth) to illustrate the kingdom of God. The kingdom of heaven is like treasure buried in a field. A man found it and then covered it up and went and sold all that he had and bought the field.

The kingdom of heaven is like a fine pearl of great value. When a merchant seeking fine pearls found it he sold all that he had to obtain it.

The kingdom of heaven is like a fishing net thrown into the sea. When it was hauled in it was full of fish of all kinds and the fishermen sat down and sorted the good fish into containers, but threw away the bad fish. Jesus warned that at the end of this temporal age, angels will come and separate the evil from the righteous. The evil will be thrown into the eternal fire of hell, where people will "weep and gnash their teeth."

Jesus asked his disciples if they understood what Jesus had said, and they told him they had. Then Jesus said that every scribe (teacher of the Law of Moses; the Old Testament scriptures) who has been trained for the kingdom is like a householder whose treasure includes what is new and what is old.


Eternal life in the kingdom of paradise restored in heaven is a valuable treasure beyond calculation. In a sense it is hidden to be discovered by those who seek it. It will cost the seeker everything he has to obtain it, but it is worth much more than that. An observer might wonder why the seeker is willing to pay so much for that particular field, but the observer isn't aware of the treasure the field contains.

Similarly, the kingdom of heaven is the pearl of great price, worth much more than all that we possess to obtain it, but not everyone is searching for the pearl, and not everyone recognizes a great pearl when they see one.

There is a Day of Judgment coming at the end of time when all who have ever lived will be accountable to the Lord for what they have done in this lifetime. There is no way to avoid being gathered and separated in the judgment into one of two categories. Those who have accepted Jesus as Lord and have trusted and obeyed Jesus will be judged righteous, blameless in God's judgment. Those who have rejected Jesus, or who have refused or failed to trust and obey Jesus will be condemned to eternal destruction in the fire of hell (Matthew 25:31-46; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10).

The Day of Judgment is not far off; it will come for everyone at the end of their lifetime, and no one knows with certainty when that will be.

Today is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2). Now is the only time we have to accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord and begin learning to trust and obey Jesus.

We're all born physically alive but spiritually dead. This lifetime is our only opportunity to be spiritually "reborn" (John 3:3, 5-8) to eternal life, by the "baptism" (anointing; infilling; gift) of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Only Jesus "baptizes" with the Holy Spirit (John 1:31-34), only his disciples who trust and obey Jesus (John 14:15-17). It is by the indwelling Holy Spirit within us that we have personal knowledge of and fellowship with God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:21, 23). The Holy Spirit is the seal and guarantee that one is in Christ and has eternal life (2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13-14; Romans 8:9b, 11, 15-16).

The householder values some possessions because they're "antiques" and although old are well made and useful. But just because an item is old doesn't necessarily make it valuable. He also values items because they're new, not just for newness but for usefulness as well.

Jesus was telling his disciples that we shouldn't discard the Old Testament scriptures because we have the New Testament. The Old Testament scriptures contain many valuable things that enhance our appreciation of the New Testament, but we must understand the Old Testament scriptures from the perspective of the New Testament. We shouldn't hang on to Old Testament teachings, such as dietary laws, or circumcision, or the Jewish Sabbath, just because they're old and traditional (see Galatians 2:16, 5:2-4).

We are no longer bound by the Old Covenant of Law, provided that we are being led by the indwelling Holy Spirit (Romans 8:1-9). Those who have received the indwelling Holy Spirit are under the New Covenant of Grace through faith (obedient trust) in Jesus (Ephesians 2:8-9), which Jesus instituted at the Last Supper (Hebrews 8:8-10, 13; 12:24; Matthew 26:26-29 RSV note "g").

Is Jesus your Lord (Matthew 7:21-23; Luke 6:46)? Are you Jesus' disciple (John 8:31)? Are you trusting and obeying Jesus (John 14:21)? Have you received the indwelling Holy Spirit since you first truly believed (Acts 19:2)? Are you making disciples of Jesus Christ and teaching them to obey all that Jesus commands (Matthew 28:18-20)? Do you know with certainty where you will spend eternity (1 John 5:11-13; Ephesians 1:13-14)?

Friday 9 Pentecost A
First Posted July 11, 2008;
Friday 9 Pentecost A

1 Chronicles 29:10-13 -- David's Prayer;
2 Timothy 1:3-14 -- Paul Encourages Timothy;

1 Chronicles Paraphrase:

David turned over his plans for the temple to his son Solomon and installed Solomon as King of Israel succeeding David. Then David prayed in the assembly of all the people, blessing the Lord for ever and ever. David acknowledged the greatness, power, victory and majesty of the Lord. David acknowledged that everything in heaven and on earth belongs to the Lord. David acknowledged that the kingdom belongs to the Lord and that the Lord is the ruler above all human leaders and over all people. The Lord is the source of riches and honor, power and might. The Lord has the power to exalt and give strength to all. So David and all the assembled people give thanks to God and praise his glorious name.

2 Timothy Paraphrase:

Paul was Timothy's spiritual mentor, and Timothy was like Paul's spiritual son. Paul was serving God to the very best of his ability, as had his ancestors, and had no reason to be ashamed. Paul always gave thanks to God for Timothy in Paul's prayers, and longed for the joy of seeing Timothy again. Paul recalled Timothy's sincere faith, which had been transmitted to him by Timothy's mother, Eunice, and grandmother, Lois, and had become Timothy's own. Paul reminded Timothy to stir up the gift of God (the indwelling Holy Spirit which Timothy had received through the laying on of Paul's hands. The indwelling Holy Spirit gives one boldness, power, love and self-control.

Paul urged Timothy not to be timid in testifying to Jesus Christ, nor to be ashamed of Paul who was imprisoned for preaching the Gospel. So Timothy should accept the possibility of persecution in the strength which God supplies and not allow it to interfere with his testimony. God has saved us (from condemnation and death) and has given us a holy calling, not because we are worthy on our own merits, but because of God's purpose and the grace (unmerited favor) which he gave us in Jesus Christ "ages ago," which has now been revealed through the coming of the Messiah (Christ) Jesus, who has abolished death and revealed immortality through the Gospel. That is the Gospel for which the Lord appointed Paul to be a preacher, apostle (messenger; of the Gospel) and teacher. That Gospel is the reason Paul was suffering persecution, but Paul was not ashamed, because he knew the Lord in whom he had believed, and was confident that the the Lord is able to guard what had been entrusted to Paul until the Day (of Judgment). So Paul urged Timothy to follow Paul's example and teaching, in the faith and love which are his in Jesus Christ, and to guard the Gospel truth which had been entrusted to Timothy by the indwelling Holy Spirit.


The Lord had promised David to establish an eternal throne through David's descendants, and the succession of Solomon was the beginning of the fulfillment of that promise (2 Samuel 7:(5-11),12-13; Psalm 89:20-29). Jesus Christ is the "Son of David" who is the ultimate fulfillment, the eternal king reigning over God's people in God's eternal kingdom. Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords, above all earthly rulers (1 Timothy 6:15).

Paul (Saul of Tarsus) had originally been a persecutor of Christians, and was on his way to arrest Christians in Damascus when he was confronted by the Spirit of the risen and ascended Jesus on the road (Acts 9:1-4). Paul accepted Jesus as his Lord (Acts 9:5), became obedient to Jesus' commands (Acts 9:6-8) repented (Acts 9:9), was "discipled" by a "born-again" (John 3:3, 5-8) disciple (Acts 9:10-17), until Paul was "born-again" by the "baptism" ("anointing;" "Infilling") of the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit (Acts 9:17-18). Then Paul began preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the guidance and empowerment of the indwelling Holy Spirit (Acts 9:19b-22).

Paul is the prototype and example of a "modern," "post-resurrection," "born-again" disciple and apostle of Jesus Christ, as we all can be. Paul was fulfilling the Great Commission which Jesus gave his disciples (Matthew 28:19-20), to make "disciples" of Jesus Christ and teach them to obey all Jesus' teachings, which Jesus commanded them to be carried out after they had received the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-5, 8).

Timothy is the example of Paul's "discipling." Timothy's mother and grandmother had brought-up Timothy in faith. Timothy was probably already a Christian believer when Paul came to his town. But Paul "discipled" Timothy until Timothy was "born-again" by receiving the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Paul's conversion is extraordinary because it happened so quickly, but we should remember that Paul was already formally trained in the Biblical scriptures and in Judaism. Paul already loved, trusted and obeyed God. He just needed to recognize that Jesus was the promised Messiah (Christ).

Jesus' original disciples were with Jesus constantly for about three years, and yet were still not ready to fulfill their calling until they had received the indwelling Holy Spirit. Discipleship is an ongoing process. Disciples must learn to know and be guided by Jesus' teachings in their daily lives. They receive the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit once they have committed themselves to trust and obey Jesus. Then the Spirit begins to "disciple" them as Jesus did the original disciples. "Born-again" disciples are still learning to know, trust and obey the Holy Spirit (John 14:26), and are growing in faith as they experience the power and faithfulness of the Lord.

It is important not to try to proclaim the Gospel and attempt to carry on Christ's mission in our own human strength and ability. Christ's mission can only be accomplished by the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). The Lord promises that the Holy Spirit will give his disciples what to say at the moment it is needed (Mark 13:11; Luke 12:11-12), and I personally testify to that truth.

The Holy Spirit will give us boldness and power as we step out in faith, but we must co-operate and not resist the Spirit's guidance. I was rather shy and quiet when I was newly "reborn" and it took some time and trial and error to learn to respond to the Lord's prompting. But gradually I became confident of the Lord's guidance and ability to supply what I needed at the right time.

I never faced any persecution to compare with what first-century Christians faced, or what oppressed Christians face now in other parts of the world, but all Christians will experience some forms of persecution for the Gospel. But the Holy Spirit will comfort and sustain us. The Lord is abundantly able to preserve us and sustain us in true faith until we enter eternal life.

Christians need to read the entire Bible for themselves, and they need to read and be guided by it daily. That is the only way to guard the Gospel truth, so that we are able to convey it to others.

The Church is to be a "disciple-making" organization, but in many nominal "churches" today that is not happening. It takes "born-again" disciples to make "born-again" disciples. Discipleship is not an optional category of "super-Christian." "Born-again" disciples are the only genuine Christians there are. Christians are by definition disciples of Jesus Christ (Acts 11:26c). Jesus said that one must be "born-again" to see and enter God's eternal kingdom (John 3:3, 5-8).

Only Jesus gives the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit (John 1:31-34), only to his disciples who trust and obey Jesus (John 14:15-17). The Holy Spirit is the seal and guarantee that one is in Christ and has eternal life (2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13-14; Romans 8:9b, 11, 15-16).

Is Jesus your Lord (Matthew 7:21-23; Luke 6:46)? Are you Jesus' disciple (John 8:31)? Are you trusting and obeying Jesus (John 14:21)? Have you received the indwelling Holy Spirit since you first truly believed (Acts 19:2)? Are you making disciples of Jesus Christ and teaching them to obey all that Jesus commands (Matthew 28:18-20)? Do you know with certainty where you will spend eternity (1 John 5:11-13; Ephesians 1:13-14)?

Saturday 9 Pentecost A

First Posted July 12, 2008;
Podcast: Saturday 9 Pentecost A

Luke 12:32-48 - Watchfulness;

Believers shouldn't worry about missing the kingdom of God, because wants to give it to us. We should sell our possessions and give to the poor and needy. Doing so is like creating an eternal banking account in heaven. Our wealth will be spiritual rather than material. There our treasure will never be exhausted, stolen or decayed. Our hearts are tied to whatever we regard as our treasure.

Jesus tells us to be watchful and prepared for Christ's return, like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding feast, prepared to open the door for him when he knocks. The servants whose master finds them awake when he returns will be blessed. The master will have them sit down at the table and the master will serve them. If he comes during the night when most people are asleep and finds them ready and alert, the master will bless those servants. But remember, if a householder knew when a thief was coming, he would waiting and would prevent the thief from breaking in. So we must be ready for Jesus' Second Coming, because he will come at an hour we do not expect.

Peter asked Jesus if this parable was intended just for Jesus' disciples or for all people. Jesus answered that his disciples are like stewards of a householder, and are expected to feed the servants while their master is away. If the master returns and finds the stewards doing their job they will be blessed and will be given authority over all the master's possessions. But woe to the steward who thinks the master is delayed and begins to abuse the servants and get drunk and feed himself without feeding the servants. His master will come and surprise him at a time the steward doesn't expect. The master will punish the steward and put him among the unfaithful. The punishment for servants who know the Master's will but did not prepare and do it will be more severe than for those servants who did not know the master's will. Jesus declared that to those who have been given much, much will be required. The more responsibility we have, the more for which we will be accountable.


If we earnestly seek God's kingdom, we needn't worry that we will fail to receive it. It is God's desire to give it to us and he is able to accomplish it if we will cooperate with him. We must not spend our earthly lives accumulating and hoarding material things which will be of no benefit in eternity.

God has provided everything we need in this world. The problem is that those resources intended for everyone are not distributed fairly according to need. If we would trust in the Lord for our security and sustenance, instead of thinking that we must hoard vastly more resources "for a rainy day," there would be more resources available for those who need them. We should realize that, in God's view, we are all equal, instead of imagining that we are more entitled to wealth and luxury than others because of our education, abilities, social status or birth. Poor people don't cause poverty!

Jesus tells his disciples to seek first the kingdom of God and God's righteousness (doing what is right and good and true according to God's Word), and we will also have the physical resources we need. But if we seek wealth, success and worldly security first, we'll never get around to seeking the kingdom of God, because security can never be obtained by worldly effort and resources. We'll always need "just a little more" than we have. By pursuing worldly resources and goals, we are binding ourselves to a temporal Creation which is going to pass away, and making no preparation for eternity.

Jesus has promised to return on the Day of Judgment at the end of this temporal age. He will return to judge the living and the dead in both the spiritual and physical senses (1 Peter 4:5). Each of us will face the Day of Judgment at the end of our lives, and no one knows when that will be. The moment we die our eternal destiny is fixed and unchangeable. This lifetime is our only opportunity to be spiritually "born-again" (John 3:3, 5-8), by the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit which only Jesus gives (John 1:31-34), only to his disciples who trust and obey Jesus (John 14:15-17). The Holy Spirit is the seal and guarantee that one is in Christ and has eternal life (2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13-14; Romans 8:9b, 11, 15-16).

The Lord warns us to prepare for his return and to be watchful, alert to his coming at any time. He's coming like a thief in the night, at a time we do not expect.

In one sense all people are servants in God's household, and the Lord will hold them accountable for what they have done with God's Word in this lifetime. Those who have not believed in God's Word, fulfilled, embodied and exemplified in Jesus Christ, and acted upon it in faith (obedient trust) will be contemned to eternal destruction in hell with all evil. Those who have accepted Jesus as Lord, and have trusted and obeyed Jesus will have been spiritually "reborn," and will receive eternal life in God's kingdom in heaven with the Lord (Matthew 25:31-46; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10; see God's Plan of Salvation, sidebar, top right).

Christians are the stewards of God's household, who are to provide spiritual guidance and nurture to the lost and spiritually dead. Those who have only fed themselves and done what they pleased will be accounted and punished as unfaithful. Most people, inside and outside of the Church will not be able to plead ignorance of the Gospel and expect to receive lenience.

Is Jesus your Lord (Matthew 7:21-23; Luke 6:46)? Are you Jesus' disciple (John 8:31)? Are you trusting and obeying Jesus (John 14:21)? Have you received the indwelling Holy Spirit since you first truly believed (Acts 19:2)? Are you making disciples of Jesus Christ and teaching them to obey all that Jesus commands (Matthew 28:18-20)? Do you know with certainty where you will spend eternity (1 John 5:11-13; Ephesians 1:13-14)?